1.HTML isn't hotmail without
the vowels
2.NEVER click on the box
that says CLICK HERE
3.Finding porn on-line is
like stepping into a puddle, sometimes it's an interesting surprise...but
the rest of the
time it's just really irritating
4.The worlds most visited
page seems to always say "404...and Not Found"
5.You can find anything
that you want online...as long as you alredy know what your looking for
6.Most importantly....I
don't care what what anyone says...the internet is like intellectual crack...it
is great when
you start, but after a while all
your teeth fall out, and you stop talking to your friends, and you become
a bonified
addict...okay maybe not
Name That Movie
Notice the sound above
Here's how the game is played:
Step 1:
lisen to the sound
step 2:
figure out the movie
step 3:
e-mail me with your response
step 4:
recieve absolutely nothing from me for free...a whole lot of it
step 5:
view winners list and rejoice in the fact that you're not a total